Howling with the Carats
The ghosts and goblins weren’t the only spirits who came out Halloween weekend—so were the Carats! On behalf of National President Carat Juanita Armbrister (Miami), the National Membership Committee, chaired by 2nd Vice President Carat Patricia Sanders (St. Louis) presented a “Thriller” themed virtual Halloween Party to introduce and welcome 34 new Carat sisters to the organization.
Wearing black attire and decorated party masks while shrieking and screaming to answer roll call, Carats from all fifteen chapters showed up to show out.
Following roll call, chapter presidents with new members proudly introduced them. As each Baby Carat debuted in her white attire and unique party mask, she explained why she was “thrilled” to be a Carat. Everyone then joined Carat Juanita to officially welcome them with a heart-warming toast of Carat love.
A special recognition went to the three Baby Carats who wore the best decorated masks:
1st place Carat Andrea Cartwright (Detroit
Runner up Carat Rise Williams (Chesapeake)
3rd place Carat Elayna Rucker (Washington, DC).
Each winner received a custom decorated CARATS face shield. After closing remarks of appreciation from Carats Juanita and Patricia, everyone left still cackling and howling in Halloween fun.