The Chicago Chapter of Carats, Inc. was installed in April 1993. Its interest group name was “the Facets.” The Installation Weekend, held at the Knickerbocker Hotel, attracted more that 250 Carats and Carateers from all Carat Chapters. The weekend theme was “Gold Coasting Along Chicago’s Magnificent Mile.” This nautical theme was carried out in décor, dress and amenities.
Charter Members
Jacqueline Atkins, Dorothy Avant*, Elizabeth Cotton, Cari Davis, Sondra Few*, Dorothy Florence, Maria Glover (deceased), Lauren Gore, Cerrelda Jones, Charlotte McCaskill, Deveeree Morgan (deceased), Barbara Pinder*, Carol Sagers*, Norma Sanders*, Yonnie Stroger, Gwendolyn West* and Rita Wilson*. (* indicates current member)
Current Members
Current members include 7 charter members and the following: Tracey Alston, Debra Burks, Stephanie Cole, Judith Coleman, Tresa Dunbar-Garret, Gale Foster Farley, Carolyn Kidd Harper, Beatrice Haynes, Paula Jones, Willie Legardy, Carolyn Lopez, Antoinette McAllister, Carlotta McCoy, Angela McClurkin, Linda Murrain, Sherby McCrowey, Theresa Patton, and Gertrude Wooten.
We also have General Members: Dorothy Florence and Charlotte McCaskill.
National Presence
The Chicago Chapter has attended each Conclave since it installation and had 100% participation at the New York Conclave in 1995. The Chicago Chapter has had four members to serve as national officers: Carat Sondra Few served as Recording Secretary, as Parliamentarian, as Chief of Protocol and recently served as President August 2010 through July 2012; Carat Deveeree Morgan served as Historian; Carat Barbara Pinder served as 2nd Vice President, Sergeant-at-arms, Financial Secretary (3 years) and currently serves as Corresponding Secretary. Carat Rita Wilson served as Historian. These Carats and others have served on National Committees and have attended National Board Meetings annually.
The Chicago Chapter hosted the National Conclave during 2005. Rita Wilson was Chapter President and Barbara Pinder was the Conclave Chairman. The “C’est Si Bon” Parisian theme was reflected in the “Moulin Rouge” Jazz Club, “Cirque Du Chicago” party, “Jardin Des Fleurs” Fashion Show Luncheon and “Monte Carlo” Gala and Casino. Conclave was held at the Fairmont Hotel with nearly 400 guests in attendance.
Local Activities
The Chicago Chapter has monthly meetings, hosted by chapter members in rotation. Additional social activities include an anniversary celebration and travels, summer spa weekend, fall outing with the Carateers, a signature Christmas Party and a casual Carat Holiday Soiree.